
Shrove Tuesday




Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. The name Shrove comes from the old middle English word ‘Shriven’ meaning to go to confession to say sorry for the wrong you have done.

The other name for this day, Pancake Day, comes from the old English custom of using up all the fattening ingredients in the house before Lent, so that people were ready to fast. The fattening ingredients that most people had in their houses in those days were eggs and milk.

For one day only, The Restaurant team will be showcasing their culinary talents, tableside!

Adding a Parisian flavour, we will be offering the delicious Crêpes Suzette – a classic French recipe that elevates the humble pancake into something formidable!

Cost: £10 per person

Time/Location: Lunch and Dinner, The Restaurant

Contact: reservations@homehouse.co.uk