
Eccentric Salon




Our brand new Eccentric Salon brings an engaging and intellectually stimulating monthly circle hosted by Mayfair historian, author and Tyne O’connell.

Join us on Monday 15th April for our second salon, to discuss the extraordinary inventions, art-forms and social progress to arise from The Eccentric Salons of Britain and Ireland hosted by openly defiant women and the Salons vital role in shaping the kingdom’s visionary intellectual rigour. Celebrating the History of Salon Culture of Britain and Ireland in empowering women and eccentric thinkers and artists from 1603 onwards.

In reviving the famous Eccentric British Salons of history, our host Tyne O’Connell will reignite the exuberant reign of the true eccentric.

Arrival and introductions
The Salon Salute: A toast to the eccentrics of history
Presentation by Tyne and guest speakers on a celebrated eccentric of history
Informal Q & A, forum discussion with the Speaker

Dress code: Dress Fabulously 

An Ode To The Original Eccentric Salons
Hosted on Portman Square over two hundred years ago by former Home House resident Elizabeth Montagu (2nd October 1718-1800), these salons were an essential part of the London social calendar in the Regency Era, providing a place for eccentrics of all spheres to mingle with fellow eccentrics. The famous Montagu Salons were hosted in her extraordinary peacock-feather-lined bedroom on Portman Square were celebrated across Europe for their freedom from all barriers of class, race, gender sexuality or creed, enabling Royalty, aristocracy and celebrities to mingle with the greatest LGBTQ thinkers, artists, writers, financiers and scientists of the age.

About Tyne O’Connell – Mayfair Historian and Author

Tyne O’Connell is a British author and Historian of Irish descent who lives and works in Mayfair, London.