
Debating Salon: Sex positivity…and politics!




Sex positivity…and politics!

We are delighted to welcome Lauren Smith, journalist at Spiked Online, to discuss this fascinating topic!

Nowadays everyone is expected to be ‘sex positive’. Being open – and even descriptive – about your intimate relations is deemed a virtue, where it was once taboo. Isn’t our obsession with conversations about ‘informed consent’, ‘kink acceptance’ and a never-ending laundry list of increasingly complicated sexualities,  unsexy?

By imposing these unnecessary categories and rules, hasn’t the sex positivity movement managed to turn one of life’s greatest pleasures into yet another facet of identity politics for activists to lecture us about?

About Spiked-Online

Spiked is the magazine that wants to change the world as well as report on it. Edited by Tom Slater, and launched in 2001, it is irreverent where others conform, questioning where others wallow in received wisdom, and radical where others cling to the status quo. Its motto is ‘question everything’ – or as the New York Times puts it, ‘the often-biting British publication found of puncturing all manner of ideological balloons’.

About the Home House Debating Salon

Founded in 2009 by Alban James and Radiah Ford, the Home House debating salon reflects the club’s values and history as a place for freedom of expression, and controversy! It offers members and their guests the opportunity to directly engage with thought leaders from the worlds of politics, media or the arts during informal and at times heated discussions. The discussions are held under the Chatham House Rules.